Shared Experiences From Our Guests



I was diagnosed over 15 years ago with fibromyalgia. At that time I had 4 small children and a husband with a demanding career. I really believed life would always be painful and I just had to figure out how best to manage the pain (physical and emotional). I visited Dr. after Dr., had multiple surgeries, tried all kinds of medication however, eventually it resulted in a very unhappy, hopeless state of being. The Bridge taught me that was NOT how life needed to be. The staff and providers taught me that I was in charge. Not my emotional state and not my pain! For the first time in a long time I have hope that my children, my husband, but most importantly I can live a happy healthy, hopeful life. I wish I could have found The Bridge years ago but whenever you go is always a good time for a new beginning. I changed my life!


The Bridge is an experience of a lifetime. Before going to the Bridge I suffered from anxiety and depression and wouldn’t go a day without having a panic attack. Countless days were spent in bed, searching the internet for therapists, and constantly trying new medications. It came to a point where I gave up and was tired of looking for the answers I was trying to find. After finding the Bridge, I look back and I am so glad I made the decision to go. The staff was amazing and treated me like family. The Bridge was a turning point in my life and it gave me the confidence to face the world with a different outlook. Anxiety and Depression do not control my life anymore and I have not had one panic attack since coming home. It is such a relief to know that there is a solution. Before this experience I would constantly say that I was unhappy and now I can say I am the happiest I have ever been. 


Having finished my work at the Bridge two days ago, I feel a strong desire to give back and spread the word. The skills and concepts that I learned are both groundbreaking and invaluable. I cant explain what it felt like to be cared for, truly cared for, for 20 days. The healing and growth that I experienced is a true blessing in my life and I cant imagine any other format or place on this earth that could get close to matching what I got from the Bridge. Daren is a true visionary and his team was clearly put together through inspiration. These people don’t just go to work everyday; they truly care. Thank you Thank you Thank you. You will see me again soon when I come to give back. These things and “the Bridge” are now truly a part of my soul.


Before the Bridge I had no hope: I lost my partner, job, school, leadership roles in my extra-curricular activities, and my family was walking on eggshells around me. The Bridge helped me to come off of medications I had been on for years that were no longer effective and gave me the tools to recover from depression and deal with PTSD. The program while short is very effective and if you are ready to let go of what is holding you back, whether it be past relationships, abuse, trauma, mood disorders, or negative self-talk, they will give the tools for you to take control of your life. It is not a comfortable process, and there will be moments when you want to quit, but if you push through and trust the amazing staff to help you heal then you will come home a totally different person. Good Luck on your Journey!


I’m only 22 years old, but for over 10 years, I struggled with gradually worsening health issues: chronic pelvic pain, severe digestive issues, and poor immune function, to name a few. I began looking for a chronic pain retreat I had tried dozens of medications, and surgery after surgery, but my doctors and specialists couldn’t pinpoint any specific reason why I was so sick. A few months before I discovered the Bridge, I began dealing with some childhood traumas that I had, to that point, ignored and kept secret. When I found the Bridge, I felt prompted to go, but was wary; I thought it was probably too good to be true. Going to the Bridge was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It changed the course of my life. The providers and staff set me firmly on the path of emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. I won’t lie, while cathartic, it was intensely difficult. I cried in my room many days. Things got worse before they got better, but after about a week and a half, my physical pain literally left my body as I finally addressed what was going on with me emotionally. The Bridge gave me the tools I needed to address pain and assume accountability for my own choices. Today, I am in school full-time. My health is no longer an obstacle to my happiness—and I am truly happy!! My motto, courtesy of Maya Angelou, is: “Do the best until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” The Bridge helped me “know better”. Yes, I’m where I am today because of my own choices; but I wouldn’t have known the choices available to me without the Bridge.


We focus and spend so much time on our outwardly appearance and the rewards of the world. Which I feel comes from obtaining wealth, looks and being ok with ourselves, that we often forget to work on our heart, soul and mind. I am a believer of fulfilling ones best self. With the knowledge of recognizing we all need to spend more time working on ourselves, there are definitely programs out there who offer to do such things. Having the opportunity to attend several other similar mental health recovery programs, I believe that the process the Bridge program has to offer is 100% from a space of love and compassion. I’ve learned traits I can use in everyday life to find a clear head, peace and happiness. It’s a process that I 110% have chosen to embrace in the comfort of Massages, Acupuncture, Reiki Therapy, Personal Trainer and pampered with the best of food and Education about the Value of taking care of your body with food and healing your heart, mind and soul. With the freedom of choice I have experienced in the program, it creates a real choice for the participants and it allows us the freedom to create our own personal needs for ourselves.


The Bridge is an experience that words can’t justify. The staff, as well as the providers, come together in a powerful way to create a place of wellness, safety, and life changes. You will come to the Bridge as a person you have become, but when you leave, with their guidance you will know who you really are. That someone is worth getting to know.


I would more than highly recommend “The Bridge.” I think everyone should have this experience! If I could, I would send all of my family and friends there because The Bridge is a life-changing, empowering experience. There is nothing else like it out there! It really amazed me how they can cater to so many different needs, you do the work and they have the tools. They don’t cover it up with medicine and send you home. You will find you are a different person when you leave. The things that I think really made the difference are: they truly care (that is rare these days), the entire staff is Over the Top and amazing, and they teach you hands-on and through your own personal experiences. Then, they give you the tools and teach you how to make the changes you need in your own life. You will be a better person for yourself, your family, your friends, and the world when you leave The Bridge depression treatment center.


For me, it was all about the magic and power of community. Being in this enlightened community, where everyone’s primary concern was with the well being of one another helped lift my spirits, and returned back to me a sense of inclusiveness and belonging that had been missing in my life. I can’t praise more the competence and professionalism of both the staff and the practitioners. This is a place that really cares and delivers.


The Bridge Recovery Center has put together a fantastic program to make healing accessible to nearly anyone. The intelligent and caring staff members are really the heart and soul of the Bridge. They almost certainly have experience helping someone who is going through whatever issues you are working on. The series of lectures are well thought out and contain exactly what people need to learn about finding happiness and cultivating resilience. The Bridge has compiled an extensive library, where readers can find books pertaining to their specific situations. There is sound scientific evidence for many of the modalities utilized to improve well-being. You will experience positive social immersion, massages, chiropractic care, counseling, personal training, a nourishing diet, and sunshine in wide uninhabited spaces. You will leave feeling far more confident about your ability to take control of your life.


It is an amazing thing, I have never felt quite so motivated as I have since attending The Bridge. And it has persisted… It has been now 8 weeks since The Bridge. I continue to eat healthy, exercise regularly, not smoke or drink, approach life’s challenges mindfully. I am down to 225 pounds and have surpassed where I was strength-wise while in college.I have an interesting story in terms of the eagerness and zeal towards life Daren presented, I sort of took the same approach to the job I found a few weeks past. The job is filthy, hazardous, and disgusting in many ways, it is also quite tedious, repetitive, and simple. Nevertheless, I have approached it with the utmost enthusiasm; I have done so almost to a ridiculous degree. I am sure I have been the butt of jokes at the shop, I see people watching me speed mopping, I can only imagine I look ridiculous. Here is the thing, I am working there 4 weeks and am informed that I am to be promoted and paid 3 times as much. I must keep this up. I think this is the secret to life, just be that dude who enjoys everything.


Not a day goes by that i don’t think about my days at the Bridge. I think about the people that cared for us as if we were the first group and the last one too. Hard to imagined that a lot of people like me come and go out of their lives. God knows it took me so long to make the decision to go. Why is it that we think so much before spending money for us when we would not blink to do it for the health of a loved one?. I treasured every single day, every word and remember that everything they had in store for us, even the most simple fun activity had a very important message to learn. I can’t forget to mention the impact that those big mountains had on me..The air, the silence and their magnificence helped in the process of putting a stop to the madness in my head. I learned a lot of things that I took with me. I still have lupus but the difference is that now lupus doesn’t have me after visiting the lupus treatment center.


I had suffered with severe depression for about three years at the time I decided to go to the Bridge. I had pursued many avenues to address my depression and would have occasional respites from it, but nothing seemed to last. When my depression first hit, I pursued the medical route and ended up on a number of meds. I had been a very healthy individual up until the time I experienced depression and had never been on any meds. Anyhow, I started down a more natural route (diet, supplements) and improved some, but was still struggling mightily.

The Bridge depression retreat was a real turning point in my healing. The people and experiences at The Bridge enabled me to get back in touch with who I really am and with the power I possess to control my thoughts and destiny. And even more important was the understanding that although depression had been a huge influence in my life for three years, it did not have to rule my future. Before I went to the Bridge, I committed to myself that I would engage in every aspect and consider every concept and principle presented, and I did that with all my heart and soul. As a result, I experienced a great deal of healing and reconnected with a sense of self and the sense of humor that had always characterized my life to this point. The Bridge experience isn’t easy – it’s not a spa – it’s a lot of hard work, but it’s worth it.The people who experience it, leave the program with a set of tools that help them take back control over their life and their thoughts.

I can highly recommend the Bridge. All the practitioners at the Bridge had had their own struggles and can relate to what you’re going through. I really can’t say enough about what is offered there.


I have suffered with lupus for 20 years. Six years ago, dermatomyositis set in and my legs were so weak that it was hard to leave the house. I was using a wheelchair and a cane. My active lifestyle was severely affected and I worried about my quality of life. I had seen plenty of medical doctors and rheumatologists, who prescribed all kinds of drugs, including steroids, methotrexate, and enbrel injections with limited and temporary success. I became so desperate to get help that I did a search on the Internet and found The Bridge Recovery Center. It was a scary and big commitment for me, but I decided to register for the program. The Bridge helped me get my life back. When I arrived, I was on a cane and so weak that I needed assistance to get around. When I left, I was able to put down my cane and I felt a peace with my life that I haven’t felt before. I am now exercising, hiking, living the life that I missed for so long. The Bridge also helped me to stop most of my medications, and I will soon be off steroids completely! Thanks to The Bridge lupus recovery center and all of the people there that helped in large measure to give me the ability to enjoy life with confidence and without the concerns that I had because of my illness.


When I began looking for a chronic pain treatment center I didn’t know what I needed. I had exhausted every traditional form of treatment I knew. After 9 spinal surgeries, and countless other less invasive procedures, I still had significant pain and felt angry and frustrated most of the time.  When I arrived at the Bridge I was welcomed with open arms and open hearts. The providers, staff, and the wide variety of modalities and services created an intuitive and integrative healing journey. “Nothing changes if nothing changes” is my mantra now. The truth is, happiness was in me all along, but it was the program and its facilitators at The Bridge that showed me how to access it again. Ultimately anyone who comes here needs to show up and be open. That’s it. If you are open to looking at things from a different angle than you are used to…well…it’s nothing short of life changing. Well done to Dr. Brooks and the incredible staff and providers at The Bridge. You provided me with lifelong tools I will continue to use, wonderful friendships, and memories I will never forget. I sincerely thank you all from the bottom of my heart. 


I am a 35 year old mother of three beautiful children, I had been diagnosed several years ago as having depression and anxiety, and I lived for many years in pain. I did everything I could to feel happy including medicine, psychiatry, therapy, herbs, chiropractic, prayer, self-help books – you name it – I did it. In November of 2012, I reached the point where I felt stuck. I felt like I was at the bottom of a dark pit and didn’t know how to climb out. I felt like everything in my life was good, so why was I feeling this way? Once I had reached what I considered “rock bottom” my husband and I decided I needed more help, and we were led to “The Bridge.” From the website to the testimonials to talking to EmmaLeigh on the phone, we just knew this was the right place for me to be. I attended the Nov-Dec. 2012 session. Now, a couple of months later, it’s hard to even recall who I used to be, because I honestly feel like a brand new person. I consider the whole experience nothing short of a miracle.It is not one experience that I had at the Bridge that changed my life, but everything put together. The program is masterfully designed and once I put my trust in the process, it began to work for me. I learned so many truths that have become tools for me to use in my real life back at home. It takes a lot of courage to do this and a lot of faith, but I guarantee that if you are feeling like there is no hope, that you don’t know what else to do, or that you will never be able to feel better


Put simply, The Bridge changed my life. I had been ill and suffering for years with chronic lyme disease, and I was despondent and convinced that I would never by healthy again. Looking back on my intake form for The Bridge, I saw that I wrote: “I am in pain all the time, extreme pain when I sleep and extreme pain when I do day-to-day activities such as walking. I am extremely fatigued and have ‘brain fog’. I am also depressed and cry often.” The Bridge providers brought me out of my deep unhealthy “funk”, helped me surrender to my recovery and taught me incredibly useful and practical tools to help me regain my health and well-being.
The Bridge program is rigorous, comprehensive and effective. There are so many elements to the program – there is no one silver bullet – and it was the synergy of all the program elements that put me on the road to recovery. I learned a variety of tools that together helped me heal and regain my strength — from reiki healing, acupuncture, psychotherapy and life coaching, to Chinese medical protocols, the mind-body connection, and Native American spirituality. It was overwhelming at times – like drinking from a fire hose – but the Bridge’s caring providers truly helped me apply all the lessons while I was in the program and then helped me plan how to use them when I returned home.
There are two groups of people that make the Bridge special: the providers and the participants. The providers are incredibly caring and kind, and pushed me to get the most out of the program, always with empathy and compassion. The participants became my second family. I attended the program with 11 people, ages 21 to 70, each with their own personal struggles and challenges, each having something very special to offer the group in terms of experience, perspective and wisdom. What we all had in common was the desire to regain our health and happiness. We were all very supportive of each other, and we developed wonderful, lifelong friendships. We continue to support each other to this day through e-mails, text, Facebook and snail mail. My “Bridge family” will always be a part of my life and hold a special place in my heart.
I feel so fortunate to have participated in the Bridge program and will be forever grateful to the Bridge providers.


Before The Bridge, I was bedridden by depression, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue. I had lost 30 pounds and was so weak I could hardly walk. When I would look in the mirror, I could see the light had gone out of my eyes. I wished constantly and prayed I would die. I was desperate, to say the least.

My wonderful husband found The Bridge on the Internet and we immediately set up an appointment to meet with The Bridge personnel for a tour of the campus. To tell the truth, I don’t remember the drive down or back (four hours each way), nor meeting with some of The Bridge personnel. I barely remember the facilities. My brain had just shut down. Together, we decided The Bridge might be my answer.

The CFS recovery program at The Bridge is absolutely wonderful. We were busy every minute of every day: Exercising, meeting with the “providers” which included several mental health personnel, a physical therapist, lecturers three times a day, a kinesiologist, and hiking the beautiful landscape of St. George, Utah, as well as many other providers and services. Oh, and the best of all: massages every day.

During my first week at The Bridge, I began to wonder why I was there. There were so many people in our group dealing with maladies so much worse than mine. I watched them go through their withdrawals and achievements with courage and trust in the wonderful people around them.

During the second week, I finally woke up as to where I was and what I needed to do; and the work started for me.

I finished the program the third week on an adrenaline high. I was happy for the first time in many, many months. I had goals and looked forward to a brighter future. My body and mind were much more healthy.

My experience could not have been better. I came home so happy and ready to take on the world. I had made many new friends.

But best of all, I’m there for my children and grandchildren, which was my driving force. I’m back, because of The Bridge. I highly recommend taking your afflictions to them. 


In July 2014 I felt defeated, anxious, frustrated, worried, and pretty scared. I was sent the website of The Bridge and had to stop reading it as I was crying too hard. After living with chronic pain and failing in chronic pain recovery for 31 years, I knew that finally help is out there and I couldn’t stop crying because I saw HOPE! I was more than ready and willing to embrace anything that could help me and I knew how important that was and signing up was a no brainer.

For the first time, I was focused on me and promised myself that I would participate fully even if it was uncomfortable. I felt instant acceptance, genuine kindness and caring, and most important, understanding. The lectures were invaluable as was every discussion with the therapists.

I knew what I wanted to work on and I did. As a result of my 3 week experience, I got my power back. I felt confident again for the first time in years. I learned how to embrace and be gentle with my physical pain. I soon realized that I can choose not to be a hostage to my health issues. I felt happy and in control again and got my life back out of choosing a new attitude and new outlook on life.

I knew The Bridge was not going to cure me, however, I learned new tools and those new tools enabled me to better cope with and handle just about any situation. Who can’t use some “coaching” for life especially in the stressful world we live. I must say that every health provider is top notch and amazingly talented. The staff is comprised of a group of individuals who are 100% committed to the quality of your life and will challenge you to step outside your comfortable zone which is where change lives.

I can’t say enough about The Bridge. It’s an amazing and brilliant program for anyone suffering. I have truly been transformed and will forever be grateful.


After suffering from debilitating anxiety and panic attacks for over 20 years, I eventually developed fibromyalgia. I was in constant pain and experienced muscle spasms, tingling, numbness, along with other symptoms. Eventually, the anxiety and chronic pain became more than I could bare, both physically and emotionally. I was in a really dark place and giving up all hope. I had been to numerous doctors and specialists. I often felt discounted and unheard. I was often passed on to another doctor, told they couldn’t help me, or prescribed yet another pill. Some of the medications only numbed some of the symptoms temporarily, while some of the other medications created even worse symptoms. I was done with doctors. It got so bad, that I eventually had to take a leave of absence from work. That’s when it got really dark. Just when I thought there was no hope or help for me, I discovered The Bridge. As soon as I read about it, I knew it was exactly what I needed and couldn’t get there fast enough. I hated to fly but was ready to jump on a plane to get help. I eventually did get on that plane and spent 19 days at The Bridge fibromyalgia recovery program participating in every treatment modality and group they had to offer. The types of treatments, the providers, the speakers, the staff, and the facility itself was top notch. I put in the work and faced my demons. I was even able to get off the vast majority of my medications. I’m now home, back at work, and living life to its fullest with my family. I am no longer just existing and going through the motions each day. My anxiety is a thing of the past and the physical pain is minimal. The tingling and numbness is gone. Everyone says I am a different person when they see me or they can just hear the difference in my voice on the phone. I know I am different. I am new and improved and I owe everything to The Bridge. I attribute my success to the program, its founder, all of the treatment modalities, speakers, groups, activities, the amazing staff, etc. Yes, I worked hard too. I laughed and I cried for 19 days. I wish everybody that needed help for a chronic debilitating issue, whether physical, emotional, or both, could have the same opportunity that I did to attend The Bridge and to make it to the other side, where a much brighter future awaits you.


Next Session dates:

April 28th - May 18th, 2025

Please Register Early - Space Is Limited. We limit our class sizes to ensure the best experience for each guest. If you have questions or are interested in attending the retreat this year, we recommend you get in touch with us early to apply and reserve your spot. Ask us about our wait list for full sessions.

The Bridge Recovery Center

98 N 6680 W Hurricane, UT 84737

Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved The Bridge Recovery Center

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