Chronic Pain Recovery & Treatment Center
Chronic pain is a serious condition that has lasting impacts on mental health and quality of life. In 2019, nearly 21% of adults reported chronic pain issues. Additionally, over 7% experienced debilitating pain that limited their ability to work, care for family members, or enjoy life. The key to chronic pain recovery is through proper management. Although chronic pain treatment may not cure the condition, it can help them control the symptoms and improve their quality of life. A chronic pain retreat is a good place to start.
What is Chronic Pain?
Many people develop chronic pain syndrome or CPS, a complex disease that's difficult to treat long-term. CPS is chronic pain with associated symptoms, such as depression, trouble sleeping, fatigue, and irritability. In the U.S., 50 million Americans have a partial or total disability from CPS. After a diagnosis, patients need to seek chronic pain rehab to manage their condition.
Types of Pain
There are two primary pain types, acute and chronic. Acute pain is temporary and can go away in a few minutes, such as after stubbing your toe or a few weeks or months following a severe burn or broken bone.
Chronic pain isn't simple. A person can experience it for months or even the rest of their life. Additionally, some patients never know the exact cause of their pain.
Causes of Chronic Pain
There are dozens if not hundreds of reasons people experience chronic pain. Some are lucky and can experience chronic pain recovery, while others have a permanent condition that never improves and even worsens as they age.
The most common causes include,
- Musculoskeletal disorders, such as osteoarthritis, spondylosis, and degenerative joint disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder
- Disc problems, such as herniation or rupture
- Fractures
- Fibromyalgia, another autoimmune disease
- Chronic overuse, including tennis elbow, golfers elbow, and carpal tunnel syndrome
- Neurological disorders, including spinal stenosis, cervical radiculopathy, and neuralgia
- Urologic conditions, such as chronic urinary tract infections and urethral diverticulum
- Gastrointestinal disorders, including chronic pancreatitis, IBD, and IBS
- Reproductive conditions, such as endometriosis, cervical stenosis, adenomyosis, and cysts
Additionally, people can suffer from psychological issues that cause chronic pain, such as depression.
Another problem patients can experience is chronic pain with no known cause, which is one of the most frustrating conditions for both individuals and their doctors.
Complications From to Chronic Pain
Yes. Although chronic pain is a single condition with discomfort as the primary symptom. There are related symptoms to CPS that complicate the disease. CPS takes a toll on the patient's body and mind. A chronic pain retreat program needs to address both the pain and cascading problems resulting from constant discomfort.
Patients experiencing long-term pain that doesn't go away with traditional treatments or requires them to take powerful medications that leave them groggy or disoriented is depressing. So, it comes as no surprise that people who suffer for many months and even years from neverending pain develop depression. Long-term chronic pain treatment must involve mental health. Many individuals with CPS see a regular therapist to discuss their feelings and how they're managing their physical and emotional health.
Additionally, these patients may also need medications, such as antidepressants and mood stabilizers, during their chronic pain rehab. Also, it's exceedingly important to monitor patients with CPS, depression, and strong pain medications. The combination can lead to suicidal thoughts and potential fatal overdoses.
When you're in constant pain, it's hard to move and get the daily exercise to maintain a healthy weight. Another cause of weight gain can be the cause of chronic pain. For example, severe bone and joint fractures can leave a patient unable to get up and do more. As they heal, it's important to stay active to reduce obesity. However, when you add depression to the mix, the chances of overeating also increase. Both these factors can increase weight gain. Worse, depending on the source of chronic pain, the added pounds can make the pain worse. Healthy eating and exercise are essential parts of any chronic pain rehab.
Trouble Sleeping
Problems with pain can impact sleep. An estimated ⅔ of all patients with CPS have a sleep disorder.
Dr. Robert Bolash, a sleep specialist, explains,
"Pain worsens sleep patterns, and sleep disturbances worsen pain. It’s a vicious cycle."
Luckily, safe medications and psychological therapies are available to help patients get the rest they need to feel rested the next day. With one more minor problem, patients may have an easier time managing their pain.
Reduced Quality of Life
It's not hard to see that chronic pain, depression, and problems falling and staying asleep can reduce your quality of life. In addition, patients may find it challenging to work and handle everyday tasks, such as caring for their children or housework and appreciating activities they once enjoyed.
Chronic Pain Treatment
Chronic pain recovery might not be possible for some patients. However, chronic pain rehab therapy can help them manage symptoms and learn how to live with daily limitations. From medication to reduce pain and cognitive behavioral therapy to occupational and physical therapy, there are dozens of options to develop the right chronic pain treatment plan to meet your needs.
Long-Term Chronic Pain Recovery
Whether self-directed or therapist-directed, physical therapy is an excellent tool for managing chronic pain. The right program can help you strengthen the area in question through exercises. They also work with clients to improve flexibility, reducing and even eliminating pain for some patients.
Occupational and recreational therapy are two other options that complement each other. These services help patients develop techniques that desensitize the area and find ways around their movement restrictions to enjoy life again. In return, individuals with chronic pain move more, which might reduce their long-term discomfort.
Vocational rehabilitation is essential for people of working age that can no longer work in their current occupation. Although vocational therapy won't relieve pain, it can improve mood and reduce depression and anxiety. Chronic pain that takes away your way of life and career is depressing and stressful. Learning a new craft can restore confidence, reduce stress, and improve overall life satisfaction for people with CPS.
Chronic pain rehab is about more than helping individuals deal with discomfort and get no relief. Instead, it is about reducing pain, relying on opioids, and relieving other symptoms, such as sleep disorders, depression, and anxiety.
Pain relief options can extend past opioids and invasive surgeries. For example, nerve blocks may provide relief for patients experiencing nerve pain.
Another option is spinal manipulation through a chiropractor. These adjustments to align the spine with the other bones in the body and take pressure off the muscles and ligaments are proven to release tension and relieve pain.
Additionally, many people claim homeopathic remedies, such as massage and acupuncture. These chronic pain treatments available at a chronic pain retreat may relax the body, reduce tension, and relieve stress. In return, you may feel physically and mentally better with regular care.
Chronic pain recovery is complex. It might require multiple tries to find the best way to manage your discomfort. Always work with a doctor or medical team to find the best chronic pain rehab program. Also, when speaking with any professional, tell them about all symptoms, physical and mental. The right recovery plan requires full mind and body treatment.